Thursday 16 July 2015

Narrative structure- Lorde 'Royals'

Narrative structure- Ellie Goulding 'Your song'

Narrative structure- Ed Sheeran 'Give me love'

'Till my voice is gone'- Expectations vs Reality

"Hard times they come a mile a minute
One after another

Wave after wave of storm clouds
Threatening the shore
But I won’t go for help
Won’t run away from what I have been given
Cause nobody ever knows
Just what the future has in store
And I will stand up high on the sea wall
Where the wind is blowing strong
And I will push this rock to the top
Of every hill that comes along
And I will take the stand and raise my hand
And offer up this song
And I will sing my tune until my voice is gone
My doctor appeared carrying a palm tree in his pocket
Looked down above his glasses with pity in his eyes
He said you don’t have much time
I’m sorry to be the one to tell you
I said well I’m not the only one
And thanked him for his time
And I will stand up high on the sea wall
Where the wind is blowing strong
And I will push this rock to the top
Of every hill that comes along
And I will take the stand and raise my hand
And offer up this song
And I will sing my tune until my voice is gone"

I was given these lyrics, sang by The Old Ceremony, and asked to give my own instant expectation of the music video.

I believed overall that it was show a males journey from a storm beach, to the top of a hill, including the literal additions of a doctor, palm tree, rock and fist pump. However, the metaphorical meaning could explain a character being brave and strong, being told her cannot continue, then ignoring the advice and being independent. Therefore this narrative could be represented in a range of context and scenes not set on the beach/hills. 

In contrast to my expectations, the music video displayed a romance between an elderly couple in a retired home, featuring a child band and lots of close-up shots of facial expressions. It was quite confusing as it didn't literally relate to the lyrics. Therefore it figuratively interpreted the lyrics to tell a different narrative. 

By completing this task I have learnt that you do not need to literally interpret lyrics in order to create a successful music video, and I will be taking on board this advice with the construction of my own additional portfolio.