Tuesday 20 October 2015

Film and editing schedule

My partner has created this filming and editing schedule. We sat down and planned the days we were available to film and edit from the current week in October, up until the end of January, with our actress. This will ensure we know what we are doing, and meet our deadlines, keeping us organised.

Contact with artist

We have emailed Alice Olivia, the female solo singer on YouTube, and asked permission for the song we will use to produce our music video. 

Mood Board

I have created this mood board as a collection of inspiration and images that we can creatively build upon. We can keep referring back to this blog post when in need of inspiration. We plan to capture shots/mise en scene similar to these photographs.

Monday 19 October 2015

Music Channel research

Powered by emaze

It is important to create a music video suited to a specific channel in order to appeal to the target audience. This research will be beneficial for my final constructional when I decide how I will distribute my product.

Thursday 15 October 2015

Song choice

We have chosen to use this cover of Ed Sheeran's I See Fire, as we really liked the acoustic song, sub-genre Pop Acoustic, and Ed Sheerans style. However, our main character will be a female solo singer, therefore we needed a female voice. Our performer will lip sync to this cover, instead of the original to ensure the mouth movements match the exact song.
The original music video and song:

Initial planning ideas

We created a mindmap to show our initial planning ideas. Our brainstorms are beginning to come to life. We will look deeper into makeup, costume and mise en scene, and also practise editing and shot types. It is important to consistantly document our journey.

Location video

Location shoot

 We have chosen Stoke Park, Frenchay as our main location. This is due to the fact it is within a 15 minute driving distance, accessible and public. It suits our narrative and lyrics, and fits in with conventions associated with our sub-genre Pop Acoustic.
This slide share shows a variety of images, we will use the same location for both performance and narrative, similar to Ellie Gouldings Beating Heart music video.
The large log will be a seating area for our performance whilst she plays an acoustic guitar.
We are considering using the large tree and rope in relation to the death of the younger brother.
It is really ideal to have a grave yard by our location, because it means we won't have to travel far in order to film the final shot.
It was important to visit our location and not only fulfill a risk assessment, but begin to put our ideas into a reality and consider any problems. We have concluded that we will need portable lighting in the forest and may also use candles for effect.

Tuesday 13 October 2015

Risk Assessment

Risk assessment from Niadalton
I have completed a risk assessment for the filming stage of my coursework. It is very important that I understand how myself, other filming members, and the public may be in danger. By completing this in advance, I can now base my filming and planning process around the dangers and warnings. This will keep me more organised, prepared and safe. 

Thursday 8 October 2015

Inspirations and Influences

I have expressed my style influences through a Blend Space presentation. This task has allowed my creative ideas to be condensed into a few points, and look further at other music videos and solo singers. In conclusion our costume should consist of: Dark lipstick, dark curled messy hair, simple face makeup with dark eyes, black basic dress and black boots, with a guitar performance prop. I will refer back to this when planning my costume.

Tuesday 6 October 2015

Target audience research: Demographic

Ed Sheeran's target audience is not restricted by age, gender or genre. This is because his lyrics relate to females and males, ages from 16 up to 40 years, and his ability to beatbox, rap and acoustically sing attracts a wide varied audience. The target audience for our music video will be females specifically aged 16-25 due to the social media plat-forming distribution, solo female singer and emotive narrative. Females will be able to easily relate to the main singer, specifically those that are older sisters or have gone through a tough family life.

Below is a custom made survey in which the response will help me suit my music video upon what my target audience would like to see. I will ask females aged 16-25 to answer it and give feedback. I have also attached a Voki character to display a typical audience member.

By researching my target audience, the feedback will allow me to suit my video to females 16-25 based upon what their genuine likes and dislikes are.

Create your own user feedback survey


Analysis of lyrics

I analysed the lyrics of my chosen song, utilising conventions of my genre and inspiration from music videos I have looked at. This research and planning task has created a clear path for me to follow. I can now consider props, settings and costume in relation to my ideas and bring the project together. The original music video was written for the film 'The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug' released in cinemas during December 2013. We have interpreted the lyrics in a completely different perspective. Changing the era to modern, creating a non-fiction narrative and single female solo singer.

Thursday 1 October 2015

Things to consider

I am beginning to put my ideas into reality and consider how I will take on specific conventions. I feel that the next step in my research should be to analyse the lyrics of my song and begin to plan a narrative. I can then consider scenes and costume.
It is important to consistently question how I will perform my ideas to prevent any simple errors in filming.

Comments from Mr Rees:

  • Get in location- 3 different shots of performance
  • Edit shots together and experiment
  • Try to shoot fire and smoke (Mr R disagrees)