Wednesday 17 June 2015

Composition and Framing- Workshop 1

Love and Hate Theme

To create these images we focused on composition and framing over mise en scene to reflect the theme in a more technically developed and discreet way.
I learnt camera techniques such as:
Symmetry- point of interest through leading lines to generate audiences questions
Depth of field- Smaller aperture=high F stop e.g. F2.8 (shallow depth of field)
Larger aperture=low F stop e.g. F22 (wide depth of field)
Framing- highlights main point of focus and adds context
Perspective- different POV to create interest 
Space- negative space gives subject breadth
Colour- bright= vibrancy, energy, distracts from focal point
Applying rule of thirds- place point of interest on intersecting lines
To create this successful composition we used symmetry and leading lines to follow the receivers eye line directly to the girl stood in the far middle of the trees. The tree props acted as an alley way. We also used a shallow depth of field to create the focal point as the distant girl in contrast to the out-of-focus male over the shoulder shot. Furthermore the blue and green contrast colours bring the white. The distance between the two creates questions from the audience and curiosity as to their relationship through the two shot facing each other. 
This image uses symmetry to replicate the backwards facing body positioning. The male is closer to the camera and more in focus. I would improve this image by zooming in on the manual setting before taking the photograph in order to ensure the boy was in clear focus. The shallow depth of field blurs the background making the female less significant. Directly in between the couple is the leading line pathway of trees creating a dividing line between the two however implying they have the same future path.

This image using contrasting colours with mood and vibrancy to create an energetic atmosphere. The red heart in the bottom left also allows lots of negative space and empty room giving the subject space to breathe. I used a low aperture with a wide depth of field to make everything in equal focus and bring texture to the image. 

I used a shallow depth of field with a high aperture to create the focal point on the red heart. The colour red connotes love and warmth however the slicing of the metal rod divides the love aspect. The out of focus background is misty with saw dust creates a mysterious atmosphere. The de-saturated colour and high ISO also brings a dull, un-emotive tone reflecting the hate theme. The canted angle and close up shot also has lots of empty negative space.

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