Tuesday 9 June 2015

Composition and Framing

What was your theme?
Love opposing Hate

How does that come through in your photographs?
We used a high aperture and short shutter speed to create a blurred, delicate image of the hearts. The background is tiny wood shavings that create a musky atmosphere. The primary colours, both red and blue that contrast each other connote love and hate due to the warm and cold feelings. The prop of the drill machine was extremely useful as it sits in between the heart dip acting as if love is a risk, and the following image as the metal rod slices the heart represents a broken heart and hate. The "Once upon a time" traditional beginning of a fairy tale implies the start of a new 'perfect' chapter and story. In contrast to "The End" which suggests the finality of a chapter.

What strategies did you take to make your photos seem more visually appealing?
We used close up framing to create an emotional connection with the image and receiver, and also tints to connote feelings through colour.

Evaluating the task:
The students collectively guessed the Love and Hate theme overall, which shows our composition was successful. However other interpretations were; Start and Finish, Beginning and End, Words vs No words. I understand where these estimations come from. I believe we created symbolic images that clearly link to the brief, yet we could have photographed something less obvious and more discreet.

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